
The defense industry is an essential component of the world economy and prime mover in the balance of power in today's world. Defense spending has been on the rise due to countries' attempt to counter the ascendance of other countries' weapons technology. This competition has ushered in a technology arms race that, since the termination of the Cold War, has produced a number of new defense doctrines.
One such doctrine is the importance of "network-centric", in contrast to "platform-centric" warfare, often considered the greatest military revolution of the past century. This doctrine stresses the importance of weaning defense off heavier industries in favor of complete control over information and network management. This shift has contributed to and benefitted from tidal shifts in economic, trade, and information technology development.
As new information-based economies and technologies have started to supplant older, heavier industry, unmanned systems in particular started to be seen as a prime opportunity to wean countries off human-intensive operations on the battlefield. For our country in particular, the shift to unmanned aviation has provided a window of opportunity not only to bridge the gap between our capabilities and others' in the world, but also to widen that gap to our advantage.

Our company draws inspiration from the leadership of technology visionaries from our Republic's early years like Nuri Demirağ and Vecihi Hürkuş to build the most advanced technological systems on the global stage by advancing unmanned aerial systems. In line with their principles, we strive to ensure as independent, Turkey-centric a technology stack as possible. We further attempt to dovetail emerging high technology with mission-critical functions to offer our armed forces systems that are reliable, integrated, and complete.