Bayraktar KIZILELMA, Türkiye’s first-ever unmanned fighter jet, developed indigenously and originally by Baykar, successfully completed the Aerodynamics System Identification Test in accordance with its test schedule.
07 March 2025Baykar, the world’s leading UCAV exporter, has signed a partnership agreement with Leonardo, one of the largest defense companies globally. Under the terms of the agreement, the two companies will collaborate on UCAV production in Italy. This partnership will combine Baykar’s expertise in UCAVs and artificial intelligence technology with Leonardo’s strengths in mission systems, payloads, and certification. The collaboration will also extend into the field of space technologies.
06 March 2025Bayraktar KIZILELMA, Türkiye’s first-ever unmanned fighter jet, developed entirely with Baykar’s own resources, continues to successfully undergo flight tests.
27 February 2025Türkiye’nin ilk SİHA’sı olan Bayraktar TB2 filosunun J11 kuyruk numaralı hava aracı, Jandarma Genel Komutanlığı envanterinde 10 bin saatlik uçuş süresini başarıyla tamamladı. Görev süresini dolduran milli SİHA eğitim ve test uçuşlarında kullanılacak. Envanterden çıkan SİHA’nın yerine Baykar tarafından üretim hattından çıkan yeni bir Bayraktar TB2, Jandarma Genel Komutanlığı’na bilabedel hediye edildi
25 February 2025Tweets by @BaykarTech
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